Flights from the United States to Milan to Greece to the Maldives…gives me plenty of time to read. Here is what I have been reading on this trip:
Bringing Up Bebe by Pamela Druckerman
A former New Yorker raising her children in France, Pamela Druckerman decided to study the difference between American and French parenting. As she witnessed French children eating a variety of dishes at a young age, including 3 and 4 course meals, entertaining themselves and sleeping through the night as babies, she decided she had to get to the bottom of things. The book is an entertaining and informative read! Looking forward to reading more of Pamela’s work…and raising my kids in France.
Gullible Travels by Ronnie Bermann
Done totally as a travel journal, the owner of award-winning Maxim’s restaurant in Houston details over a decade of adventure travel all over the world to scuba dive, fish, downhill ski and horseback ride. His goal is to encourage and inspires other to get out and see the world for themselves. Bermann’s advice to his readers “If you have the time and resources to travel by yourself, do so. You will never be able to fully live until you go out and see the world”.
Happy, Healthy, Fit by Divini Rae
A very biased opinion, because Divini is a personal friend of mine, but everyone should buy this book! A easy read that explains not only the science of nutrition and WHY you should be eating certain things and avoiding others, Divini also tackles the spiritual side with a mind, body, soul approach to health and wellness. If you have ever seen her body, we can all take a few tips from her!
The Secret Life of Plants
This book is so old, no kindle version was available. I was reading another book that mentioned this book, and how plants actually can feel and react. I was intrigued, so I purchased it.
From Needles to Natural by Judy Morgan
I received a review copy of this book, and didn’t really know what I would think of it. After I started reading the first few pages, I couldn’t put it down. I was intrigued by Judy’s upbringing around animals, and how she ended up becoming a vet. Her turn towards holistic medicine was a journey in itself, and she details the different kinds of natural remedies that are available. A must for any pet owner!
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