I met Swee Lin Lim at The National Publicity Summit in New York City this year.
She looks exactly as she does on the book cover; slim, tastefully yet fashionably dressed and ageless, in a way not done but plastic surgery. She has a soft air about her, one that make you want to talk to her and know more.
She was nice enough to gift me her book. I spend Sunday in a detox bath exploring what was between the pages. The book is designed to be an easy read, great for those on the go or for those people that just want the information without having to dig through hundreds of pages first. She tells her story, without sounding condescending or pompous.
Her tips are scientific studies broken down in an easy-to-read format. The beginnings of the chapters are framed with colorful pages and inspirational quotes, and the back is outfitted with a journal. The 3 parts of the book are broken down into the basics, core habits and build your foundation and take action. Not new to anyone studying health and wellness, Swee is a big fan of eating clean, whole foods. She promotes 3 meals a day, with no snacking in between.
To learn more: www.sweelinlim.com
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