I love anything from Hay House.
Seriously, if you log onto my kindle, you will see that half of my books are from that publishing house.
Here is another one that I would not have found if it wasn’t for Netgalley and Hay House.
Clear Home, Clear Heart is written by Jean Haner, who teaches you about the value of energy…in everything. This simple guide gives you easy-t-follow steps on how to clear your own energy, energy of others or how to bring harmony to the spaces you live in.
Clearing is a gentle but powerful way to release the old stress you’re still carrying from your life history, as well as transform how you’re affected by the energy around you each day. Many people experience immediate shifts in their energy during a clearing, and significant change often unfolds in the days and weeks afterward. In fact, clearing has even been described as “accelerated meditation” because it can lead to a sense of calm and happiness that typically results only after years of a mindfulness practice.
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