How Creativity Can Improve Your General Wellbeing

Art therapy has for a long time been used as an adjunct to other forms of psychotherapy and has been proven to act as a very effective augmentation. However, even outside of the therapy setting there are numerous ways that following a creative pursuit can make a noticeable difference to individual health. What is Creativity?…


Art therapy has for a long time been used as an adjunct to other forms of psychotherapy and has been proven to act as a very effective augmentation. However, even outside of the therapy setting there are numerous ways that following a creative pursuit can make a noticeable difference to individual health.

What is Creativity?

The term creativity applies to many more things than most people realize. We tend to limit our definition of creativity to the obvious things like writing, art, and music. However, according to most psychologists, creativity is a much more diverse concept. Even those who would describe themselves as not being particularly creative are almost certainly engaging creatively with the world in more ways than they realize.

The generally accepted definition of creativity is the formulating of new ideas, identifying new links between existing ideas, and devising novel solutions to problems. When we view creativity in these terms, we begin to realize just how many of our day to day activities require us to think and act creatively.

Give Your Brain A Workout

Creativity is what is referred to as a global process, meaning that it calls on a number of different skills and consequently engages different areas of our brains to work together in ways that they wouldn’t normally. Because of this, the benefits of being creative aren’t limited only to the specific skills that we are utilizing.

When a writer sits down to write, the act of typing and formulating sentences will engage both of these skills and therefore help to develop them, but in thinking about what to write the writer will also engage other parts of their brains and make use of other skills that they possess.

The online tool Rage Maker provides graphics for webcomics, which means that those who want to write webcomics can practice this skill without having to worry about the art side of things. This is a great example of a way that someone, a writer, in this case, can apply their existing skills to a new problem or challenge.

Change Your Outlook

When we engage in creative tasks and start encouraging different bits of the brain to work together in concert, we build unity between them. This means that without making any conscious effort, we can begin to think about the world in different ways. A big part of creativity is finding new ways to think about and approach problems.

It is believed that this is a big part of the reason that art therapy is so effective. It encourages participants to consider their situation in new ways. Not only does this help with addressing the immediate issues that are affecting them; it also helps them develop the ability to approach problems in novel ways.

Improve Your Confidence

Many people are still laboring under the incorrect assumption that creativity is something that people are simply born with. This is not the case. In fact, while some people might feel a greater affinity towards creative pursuits, actually developing specific skills such as drawing, painting, or playing an instrument requires a specific and sustained focus.

As we become aware of ourselves improving and developing different skills, we gain a corresponding boost in our self-confidence. For many people suffering from anxiety or depression, self-confidence can be an issue, and so these creative pursuits encourage participants to build their confidence organically.

Embarking upon a new creative pursuit can bring numerous benefits to an individual’s health. Art therapy is a great example of the potential power of creativity, but even outside of this setting, it is worth indulging your creative desires.

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