Four Tips for Staying Healthy and Energized on Your Next Camping Trip

Camping is a great way to add some fun to your regular healthy lifestyle. Many of the activities that you can do whilst camping such as hiking, swimming, hunting and general exploring can be great for your health, even if just from getting you outdoors and into the fresh air for longer. If you’re planning…


Camping is a great way to add some fun to your regular healthy lifestyle. Many of the activities that you can do whilst camping such as hiking, swimming, hunting and general exploring can be great for your health, even if just from getting you outdoors and into the fresh air for longer. If you’re planning an upcoming camping trip for next summer, then you may be wondering what you can do to ensure that you stay healthy and safe throughout. Here are our top tips.

Tip #1. Cook Fresh Food:

Although it’s easy to stock up on convenience foods to take along, these can be fairly unhealthy for you and may not give you the energy that you need to take part in all the activities that you have planned. Instead, cooking fresh foods that you can take along in a cooler and cook on an open fire will provide you with all the nutrition that you need, not to mention that cooking at a campsite can also be a very fun experience for your whole group. Browse camping cooking gear at the Woodbury Outfitters store.

Tip #2. Stay Warm:

Even if you’re planning your camping trip for the summer, it’s important that you don’t take any chances when it comes to the weather, as anything could happen! If it starts to rain during your trip, then you’ll want to make sure that you stay warm and dry in your tent. Not only should you check that your tent and other camping gear can withstand any potential bad weather, you should also take along suitable clothes for rain and cold. Also, you definitely want to be wrapped up during the night when the temperature will drop no matter how warm it is during the day.

Tip #3. Stay Hydrated:

Another important thing to consider when on your camping trip is how much water you have to drink. This is especially important if you’re going to be taking part in a lot of strenuous activities such as hiking, swimming or sailing as your body will need the water to replenish the lot energy and electrolytes. Make sure to take a large stash of bottled water with you as you won’t want to risk drinking water from natural sources.

Tip #4. Take a First Aid Kit:

Last but not least, no camping trip would be complete without a first aid kit to hand. During an active camping trip, it’s pretty much guaranteed that minor injuries such as cuts, bumps, burns and scratches are going to happen, therefore a first aid kit is an essential to treat these straight away. Pack your first aid kit as a matter of priority and make sure that it is filled with the essentials such as Band-Aids, dressings, and antiseptic wipes.

If you found these tips helpful, then we’d love to hear from you! Drop us a line in the comments to leave your feedback.

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