How to Make the Most Out of Your Next Move

Move across the street or across the country, andyou have the same chances at building a new life for yourself. Moving offers a clean slate. The chance to leave things behind and make room for a new life. Sure, the further you move the more dramatic these changes will be, but the process of packing up…


Move across the street or across the country, andyou have the same chances at building a new life for yourself. Moving offers a clean slate. The chance to leave things behind and make room for a new life. Sure, the further you move the more dramatic these changes will be, but the process of packing up and changing locations is the same. Done right, you can get that fresh start you always wanted, so start today by following this guide: 

Do A Huge Spring Clean 

A big move is a perfect time to finally get some much-needed spring cleaning  done. This time, however, you need to be incredibly critical of what you keep and what you throw away. De-clutter with the knowledge that you need to pack everything up and bring it with you, so ask yourself what you want and need with you, and what is just not worth the effort. Combine this with a proper deep clean, and you can better sell your house when the time comes. 

Pack Smart 

Once you have de-cluttered, you should only have the necessities and the things you love. To improve how you pack up these items you will want to: 

1.    Create “First Day Boxes” Last 

First day boxes are the boxes that will have the basic necessities that you need to get through your first few nights. This should include items like bed sheets, towels, and a frying pan. These few boxes should be packed last and opened first. This way you can make do while slowly unpacking the rest. 

2.    Label Everything 

Do yourself a favor and label absolutely everything as you pack. When boxes have not just which room they should go to, but the contents in said boxes you can easily unpack without any stress. 

3.    Pack By Theme 

In each room you should also aim to pack by theme. Clothes in one box, books in another, and so on. This will make it easier when unpacking as you won’t need to open three boxes just to get all your bedsheets out. 

Hire Professionals 

If you need help getting the packing done, or just generally moving all the boxes and furniture from place to place, always hire professionals. It can seem like a great idea to just rent a truck and get your friends over, but moving can be very difficult. With the best movers Charleston can offer you can either have the entire move done for you, hire a team get help you load and unload your truck, or get them to transport your stuff for you. 

Make the First Night in Your New Place Special 

Finally, it’s time to celebrate! The best way to christen a new home is by inviting your loved ones over or having a great night in with your family. Whatever you do, try to make it feel good to be in your new home. It will take some time before you feel completely at ease, but this is a good way to start. 

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