Taking Control of your Finances

Budgeting is pretty dull, and the mere idea of it can be downright terrifying if you’re not used to it. Before you begin to panic and break out in a cold sweat at the thought of having a budget, think about how much better your life could be with financial security. Taking even a little…


Budgeting is pretty dull, and the mere idea of it can be downright terrifying if you’re not used to it. Before you begin to panic and break out in a cold sweat at the thought of having a budget, think about how much better your life could be with financial security. Taking even a little more control over your spending can reduce angst, and can also improve your overall quality of life. That’s because knowing where all of your money is going makes you far more aware of where you’re wasting it. If you’re overspending on a daily basis, then here are some great ways to have far better control over your finances.

Understanding You

The more that you understand just what your spending habits are, the easier it will be to regain control of them. Knowing just what you’re spending money on is the key to making better financial decisions. You don’t have to take a business course into money management, but knowing more about your own danger areas for spending will help you avoid the bad habits and learn a little more control. Check your bank and credit card statements as often as you can, and you’ll be less prone to a sudden impulse buy that you don’t need. Do a monthly review before the start of a new month, and you might end up saving more than you thought possible.


There are expenses that are always going to need to be paid, but once you’ve studied your bank statements, you might notice that those costs are higher than you thought. Always look for alternative providers for essentials. Consider the following:

  • Change internet companies– New customer deals can reduce your expenses every month. Take a look at a range of providers, like earthlink internet, and see what they can offer you. Many offer new deals, fixed pricing, no hidden fees, and a host of other services too.
  • Insurance premiums– While you don’t want to be without insurance, companies like Insurance Geeks can help you find a better deal.
  • Change banks– Many banks will offer lower fees or even hard cash if you transfer your current account.
  • Grocery stores– If you shop at your nearest store,t hen you might be paying higher prices. Sometimes, driving a little further out means finding better bargains.


Get your essential monthlypayments down, andyou will have much more money at the end of the month.

Set Goals

The more that you have goals, the less likely that you will succumb to those sudden spending sprees. One of the most significantchanges to make to your life is to stop living day-to-day. Plan your weekly meals so that you reduce your trips to the supermarket. Those too-often trips will only encourage you to squander your money. Take a shopping list with you and stick to it. It might be that you have to change your eating habits to avoid regular takeaways, but that will not just improve your bank balance, but your health as well! Setting goals arethe fastest way to take control of your spending.


Overspending and living paycheck to paycheck is a quick way to introduce stress into your life. Avoid the angst of living week by week, and learn how to take control over your spending. The less you spend on the basics, the more that you can justify those occasional treats, and they’ll be much more satisfying when you’ve worked for them.

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