Top Tips to Tackling a Sugar Addiction

  Most people will tell you that they have a ‘sweet tooth,’ which means that they can find it difficult to avoid those foods that are high in sugar. While it can be hard, you can probably avoid eating those sugary foods with some willpower and a motivation to be healthy. However, there are some…



Most people will tell you that they have a ‘sweet tooth,’ which means that they can find it difficult to avoid those foods that are high in sugar. While it can be hard, you can probably avoid eating those sugary foods with some willpower and a motivation to be healthy. However, there are some people that can have an almost uncontrollable addiction to sugar in all its forms. For those people, eating healthy and trying to lose weight can be a challenge. There are a few ways that you can try to tackle your addiction to sugar, and here are some for you to try.

Add Something to Replace the Sugar

Before you decide to quit the sugar, it is a good idea to replace it with something else. That way, instead of there being a deficit from the loss of sugar, you will be filling the gap with something more rewarding. One thing that you can do is to add some self-care to your life; this could be taking up a hobby, or doing something that you love. It will enable you to take your mind off the missing sweetness and concentrate on something else.

Keep Your Blood Sugar Stable

One of the reasons that you crave sugar when you aren’t having any is because you are hungry, and your blood sugar has dropped. To try and minimize this, you need to try and eat regularly and have healthy snacks in between. By doing this, you can keep your blood sugar on an even footing, and that will also help you to keep your mood stable. You will find that with stable blood sugar, your cravings for sugar or junk food will diminish.

Be Kind to Yourself

The first week or so when you stop eating sugar will be the worst. Your cravings will be high, and your mood will be tense. At this time, you don’t want to be doing anything too stressful like working overtime or trying to take on a big project. It is the time when you need to be kind to yourself and even pamper yourself a little. Allow yourself to go to bed early and take naps if you want to. Try to make simple meals that don’t have any of the things you aren’t supposed to eat in them. Take some long baths or go for a nice walk, all of these self-care things will help you to get through the toughest part.

Tackle Other Addictions First

Those that have an addiction to sugar need to deal with that issue on its own. Trying to deal with other problems at the same time can make all of them harder to cope with long term. If you have any other addictions such as alcohol, then you need to focus on that first, before looking at others. Take advantage of the local resources to find the help you need to target and beat your addictions. Once they are resolved, you can then decide what comes next.

Don’t Think About Weight Loss

Once you are ready to get your weight loss journey started, you may wish to add a supplement like Multi GI 5 into your diet to help promote healthy digestion and manage your weight. You could read these Multi GI 5 reviews if you would like to learn more about the product, and see what real people who have used them think about it. But, for the moment, although these reviews and others such as the Bio X4 review are helpful, getting your sugar intake under control should be your main priority.

Build a Support Network

To make the break from sugar, you are going to need people in your life that will support you and help you through the rough patches. Your family will, of course, be the main people to help you, so tell them what you plan to do and ask for their help. It might be that they all try to ditch sugar as well, this will make it easier to avoid the cravings if no-one is eating sugar in the house. Your friends are also important; they can help you at work or when you go out. If you find that there is a certain time or situation that you crave sugar the most, then ask for help at those times. It also means you should try to avoid anyone that is negative or critical of your achievement.

Learn to be Adaptable

When you are first on a sugar-free diet, you will want to try and keep your hunger at bay, so the cravings don’t cause problems. To do this, you need to find the food that helps you to overcome the cravings and keep you on a balanced level. It is the part of the process that can take time, but it is also a great way to try new things. By trying nuts, seeds, or fruit, you can see what makes you feel ok and what doesn’t relieve the hunger or the craving for sugar. Once you can find the combination, it will be much easier.

Don’t Worry About Slip-Ups

Everyone is human, and at times that means you make a mistake. If you slip-up and have some sugar, it’s important that you don’t beat yourself up about it. Tell yourself that it happens from time to time, but it will be fine. You can then start again and continue with your sugar-freeway of life. You should also talk to your partner or a friend and tell them about it. Use their support to help you get over this small mistake and carry on.

Tackling an addiction to sugar isn’t easy, you have spent a long time having a close relationship with it, so it will be tough to break. However, with some time and patience, you can kick the habit and start a new sugar-free life.



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