Weight Loss Tips for Brides

  The skinny girl diet for brides along with exercise is a practical solution for quick weight loss. The purpose of this diet is to achieve weight reduction with no rebound effect in no time or just a month before your wedding. By following this diet for brides-to-be, you do not have to go hungry,…



The skinny girl diet for brides along with exercise is a practical solution for quick weight loss. The purpose of this diet is to achieve weight reduction with no rebound effect in no time or just a month before your wedding.

By following this diet for brides-to-be, you do not have to go hungry, but on the contrary, it must contain foods that produce satiety with fewer calories. The success of this diet depends on the right choice of food, the amount and forms of cooking and daily physical activity.

The Basic Rules

  • You can eat all the fruits and vegetables you want, as these are not counted in the calories listed below for every day, but do not overdo the quantity.
  • Do not use sugar or sauces with meals.
  • Minimize the intake of salt.
  • Exercise at least 30 minutes a day 5 days a week. This is a real weight destroyer and helps you a lot in any diet plan.
  • Any extra calorie must be burned with some cardio exercise like running or bicycling.


Allowed Number of Calorie per Day for 30 Days

Day 1: 400 calories

Day 2: 300 calories

Day 3: 400 calories

Day 4: 500 calories

Day 5: 450 calories

Day 6: 650 calories

Day 7: 650 calories

Day 8: 400 calories

Day 9: 300 calories

Day 10: 400 calories

Day 11: 500 calories

Day 12: 450 calories

Day 13: 650 calories

Day 14: 700 calories

Day 15: 400 calories

Day 16: 300 calories

Day 17: 400 calories

Day 18: 450 calories

Day 19: 500 calories

Day 20: 650 calories

Day 21: 700 calories

Day 22: 400 calories

Day 23: 300 calories

Day 24: 450 calories

Day 25: 500 calories

Day 26: 450 calories

Day 27: 650 calories

Day 28: 700 calories

Day 29: 400 calories

Day 30: Total Fast


NOTE: Days in Bold represent the weekend in which the diet allows you to eat a little more calories.


Key Points for This Diet to Be Successful

  • The foods present in the diet should include low fat dairy (skim), eggs, lean meats and fish.
  • The complex carbohydrates such as rice, pasta, bread and potatoes should be present in very small amount and only at lunch, although, it is best to completely eliminate them.
  • In cooking, you should avoid fried, sautéed, chipped in oils, butter or fats. The recommended form of cooking is boiling, steaming, grilling and barbecue.
  • Reduce salt intake and make it to be minimal for fluid retention while too much salt is not good nutritional intake.
  • It is recommended to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water daily as it is essential as the means of eliminating toxins.
  • You should never skip or avoid meals. Instead, you must make 5 meals a day as breakfast, lunch, dinner, and two snacks (one snack in mid-morning and one in mid-afternoon).
  • Breakfast should always be taken as it is the intake that triggers your body and provides calories to start the day.
  • Dinner should be lighter than lunch because metabolism slows down at night, where more calories in that time will be accumulated as fat reserves.
  • Lunch and dinner should consist of vegetables and some protein food i.e. lean meat, fish or eggs. In desserts, you can add a yogurt.
  • Try to make eat a regular part of the diet as it reduces total body fat.
  • Avoid any food that is mainly rich in fat, refined sugars and alcohol i.e. sauces, fried foods and pastries.


Following these guidelines and accompanying them with exercises will help you achieve a safe weight reduction, agility and good health and you will look best in your wedding dress.

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